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Малка питанка относно А6 4F - част 5


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N1995 ти 250лв ли плати за твоето масло? Може да се намери за по 140-150лв.

всички пазарят от порше или юнитрейд и насаждат в простолюдието, че го внасят от Германия...блажени са вярващите...

по баркода може да се познае кастрола откъде е...

Кои са тея насаждат, и кои са простолюдието. И какво значение има откъде е маслото, не че знам къде кастрол имат рафинерия.


пс Аз съм сигурен, че мишо му продава на енчо по оригинално масло от това дето имат в ауди.

С 4.2 на газ :)

Ох на мама сладура, за това не ти трябва сайт можеше да питаш.

Редактирано от shpeksi
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Ей, в завистта или в омразата си съответно стигате до безподобни клевети. Имам вкъщи една туба 5х30, купувано от Мишо, давам я за тест за произход. Спрете се, аз лично не съм го чувал да казва, че от германски магазин частите са по-истински. Има си контактите, цените идват същите, какъв е проблемът?!  И по-точно вашият?!

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Явно има проблем с маслата!

Снощи зачетох малко от темата на колега за фалшивите масла и съм почти съгласен с него. Може би ще последвам примера на друг колега изказал се в тази тема и повече масло от България няма да си купя! Достатъчно пътувам и мога да си взема от различни страни.

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Всеки кастрол има баркод и първите 3 цифри показват, за коя страна е предназначен. За мотула незнам как да го разпознавам, ама тоя мотул, който сипвам вече 40к км ми е ок. Ако маслото беше леш с мойто каране с 200 мотора щеше отдавна да е за основен ремонт.

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Кои са тея насаждат, и кои са простолюдието. И какво значение има откъде е маслото, не че знам къде кастрол имат рафинерия.


пс Аз съм сигурен, че мишо му продава на енчо по оригинално масло от това дето имат в ауди.

Ох на мама сладура, за това не ти трябва сайт можеше да питаш.

Кой да питам?

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И аз мойто на 8к го сменям, щото става много гъсто от саждата. Като го точа едва едва излиза през пробката.

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Явно има проблем с маслата!

Снощи зачетох малко от темата на колега за фалшивите масла и съм почти съгласен с него. Може би ще последвам примера на друг колега изказал се в тази тема и повече масло от България няма да си купя! Достатъчно пътувам и мога да си взема от различни страни.


Имало ментетА и там ...казват

Айде аз ще си го викна от представителството на Ауди в Лондон, пък нека да е и на 150 лева 5 литра :)

Моята колица е доста по-стара от вашите, но защо трябва да и съсипем двигателя, понеже е стара ...  :bdaysmile: просто Предпочитам и мога да поддържам безупречно такава кола, та ако ще да ми легне на цената на 4F нов внос  - подготвен за сезонЯ, качваш се и караш  :bgdev:


Мисля, че в същата тема писах за филтъра за мотора купен от Бултрако и същият купен от Хонда в Лондон (Дейвид Силвър Спеърс) http://www.davidsilverspares.co.uk/


Разликата е , че няма прилика  :bandit:



Мисля си, че дори и да не е от представителството а да е от продрищения Ибей (примерно) , пак няма повод за протеснение при такъв ФБ



Редактирано от Fitil4o
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Ами доста производители правят ОЕМ филтри и оттам може да идва разликата. Аз съм виждал горивен за 2.0 FSI марка UFI ( италиянска фирма ), произведено в Китай, филтъра е закупен от Порше. На самия филтър има щампа на ОЕМ VAG номер.

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Предпочитам да взема онзи в пликчето и с етикета на Хонда, като вътре има 2 дифтунки за пробки (голяма и малка) и ключ камбана за филтъра към гедоре 1/2 


Освен това на филтъра си пише Мейд ин Джапан както и на етикета от Хонда, а цената е съвсем малко по висока от тази на Бултрако, само че онзи е в картонена кутия и пише Мейд ин ЕУ  :biggthumpup:



Редактирано от Fitil4o
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Да ти кажа доста официални вносители си позволяват да продават афтермаркет части. Но за Порше и Юнитрейд не съм чувал да ти продават ОЕМ част, а реално да е внесена от Евро07.

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Всичко се поръчва от Германия, преди познавах в Юнитрейд шефа на частите или както се води. И бях няколко пъти при него като правеше поръчки. Иначе за оправдание да си купуват хората разни неща от евро 07 измислят какви ли не легенди. 

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Енчо не е меродавен да твърди каквото и да е било, защото е технически неграмотен и неговите мнения, не трябва да се взимат насериозно. Нямам нищо против него като човек, просто неговите умения/знания са в друга област.

шпек забрави да споменеш, че Юнитрейд и Порше шерват един камион за частите и идват от Унгарски склад :)

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Просто искат да изпомпат пари от вас...

Дали е възможно на самия двигател да има два номера,понеже номера който е по талон е коренно различен от този който ни дадоха в Ауди?

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Номера е само един и се намира вляво от помпата, като гледаш от отпред двигателя. Намира се на една равнина под 45 градуса наклон.

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шпек забрави да споменеш, че Юнитрейд и Порше шерват един камион за частите и идват от Унгарски склад :)

Порше и Юнитрейд са наистина с обща доставка, но дали частите идват от склада в Германия или Унгария зависи от частите, заявките и наличността.

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Номера е само един и се намира вляво от помпата, като гледаш от отпред двигателя. Намира се на една равнина под 45 градуса наклон.

Ок.разбрах,а мога ли отгоре да видя номера на скоростната кутия за да сравня и нея?

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Stoqan: няма лейбъл файл за тоя мотор, но ако ти трябва нещо да се диагностицира, аз знам какви стойности трябва да дава ... Ако си диагностик и незнаеш какви параметри трябва да дава това е много лошо за теП :)

Оказа се , че има лейбъл файл за мотор ВМК, дори си го монтирах. Пиши на германски и понеже нещо не ме радва мисля да го редактирам на БГ

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Measuring blocks
, ------------------------------------------------- -
001.0 , quantity adjustment
001,1 , Engine Speed, , Specification: 720 .. 820 r / min
001.2 , injection quantity , value: 4 .. 10.5 mg / stroke
001.3 , rail pressure ( IST) , Specification : 220 .. 280 bar
001.4 , coolant , temperature , setpoint : 75 .. 110 ° C
002.0 , idle speed
002,1 , Engine Speed, , Specification: 720 .. 820 r / min
002.2 , accelerator pedal position , Specification ( Idle): 0% | setpoint ( full load) : 100 %
002,3 ??, switch positions , range : 1xx - idle speed increases / x1x - kick-down switch ON / xx1 - idle switch ON
002.4 , coolant , temperature , setpoint : 75 .. 110 ° C
003.0 , exhaust gas recirculation
003,1 , Engine Speed, , Specification: 720 .. 820 r / min
003.2 , air mass (SET ) , [mg / stroke]
003.3 , air mass ( IST) , [mg / stroke]
003.4 , duty cycle, EGR valve [% ]
004.0 , main injection
004.1 , engine speed , Specification : 720 .. 820 r / min
004,2 , start of injection , main injection [ ° CA ]
004.3 , duration of injection , main injection , [ms]
004.4 , rail pressure ( IST) , Specification : 220 .. 280 bar
005,0 , start conditions ( From the last engine start stored )
005,1 , Engine Speed
005,2 , start , injection amount
005.3 , starting, synchronization, see label file
, 000 - basic initialization
, 001 - Reset the counter
, 002 - engine stall or fault
, 003 - transition states
, 004 - Plausibilisierungsphase
, 005 - Plausibilisierungsphase
, 006 - Plausibilisierungsphase
, 008 - Plausibilisierungsphase
, 016 - phase determination
, 032 - synchronization phase
, 033 - Positioning the system
, 048 - Calculation sequences enabled -> startup OK
, 064 - system waits for motor standstill
, 128 - Dynamic plausibility
005.4 , coolant , temperature
006.0 , Cruise control system (CCS )
006,1 , Current vehicle , speed, GRA activated : from 35 km / h
006,2 , CCS status , see label file
Operated brake light switch - xxxxxxx1 ;
Operated brake pedal switch - xxxxxx1x ;
Operated clutch pedal switch - xxxxx1xx ;
, XXXX1XXX - GRA unlocked
, XXX1XXXX - ACC enabled
, Xx0xxxxx - main switch
, 00xxxxxx - ACC / GRA mode not active
Violated state - 10xxxxxx ;
, 01xxxxxx - ACC / GRA in the control range
, 11xxxxxx ACC - not released
006.3 , Stored destination , speed
006.4 , switch, settings ( GRA ), see label file
, X - xxxxx1 - Detent ON
, X - xxxx1x - Switching takes off
, X - xxx1xx - tip-down , delaying
, X - xx1xxx - tip-up , acceleration
, X - X1XXXX - Set
, X - 1xxxxx - Resumption
, 1 -xxxxxx - A Detent Hardware
007.0 , temperature sensor
007.1 , fuel , temperature , setpoint : 60 ° C
007.2 , oil temperature , setpoint : 60 .. 100 ° C
007.3 , intake air , temperature , setpoint : 75 ° C
007.4 , coolant , temperature , setpoint : 75 .. 110 ° C
008,0 , limiting moments 1
008.1 , engine speed
008.2 , heart, moment
008,3 , torque , limiting
008.4 , smoke limit
009.0 , limiting moments 2
009,1 , Requested , torque from the accelerator
009.2 , limiting , torque ( EGS) , the Automatic Transmission ( during shift )
009.3 , limiting , torque ( MSR) of engine drag torque control
009.4 , limiting , torque ( ASR) , from traction control
010,0 , air sizes
010,1 , Intake , air mass setpoint ( Idle): 210 .. 280 mg / stroke | setpoint ( full load) : > 1050 mg / stroke
010.2 , ambient , air pressure , Specification: 970 .. 1020 mbar
010.3 , boost pressure , IS , Specification ( Idle): 950 .. 1080 mbar | setpoint ( full load) : > 2150 mbar | reference ( barometric pressure ) : 970 .. 1020 mbar
010,4 , accelerator pedal position
011,0 , boost pressure control 1
011,1 , Engine Speed
011.2 , boost pressure , (SET )
011.3 , boost pressure , ( IS ) , reference ( barometric pressure ) : 970 .. 1020 mbar
011.4 , control , actuator
012,0 , Engine preheater
012,1 , Gl?hstatus , see label file
, 00000000 - Waiting for coolant temperature
, 00000001 - Waiting for ECO start request
, 00010000 - Preheating
, 01010000 - No Preheating
, 10110000 - Afterglow
, 11000000 - No start glow
, 11110000 - intermediate annealing
, 00110000 - willingness glow
, 01110000 - Start annealing
, 10110001 - Waiting for afterglow
, 11010000 - No afterglow
, 11110001 - Waiting for intermediate annealing
, 11111111 - No Glow
012.2 , preheating
012.3 , voltage
012.4 , coolant , temperature
013.0 , smooth-running control 1 ( injection quantity variation)
013.1 , 1 cylinder , tolerance (idle) : ± 2.99 mg / stroke
013.2 , 2 cylinder , tolerance (idle) : ± 2.99 mg / stroke
013.3 , cylinder 3 , Tolerance (idle) : ± 2.99 mg / stroke
014.0 , smooth regulation 2 ( injection quantity variation)
014.1 , 4 cylinder , tolerance (idle) : ± 2.99 mg / stroke
014.2 , 5 cylinder , tolerance (idle) : ± 2.99 mg / stroke
014.3 , 6 cylinder , tolerance (idle) : ± 2.99 mg / stroke
015,0 , Fuel
015.1 , engine speed
015.2 , injection volume
015.3 , Fuel
015.4 , Requested , torque, driver's accelerator pedal about
016,0 , auxiliary heater ( Audi A6)
016.1 , energy , management, J644 (see label file)
, 00 - No Release
, 01 - Sharing Tier 1
, 10 - Sharing Tier 2
, 11 - Sharing Sufe 1 and 2
016.2 , switch-off , additional heating
, 00000000 - No switch-off
, 00000001 - Coolant temperature sufficiently
, 00000010 - Generator load SRC error
, 00000100 - Battery voltage too high
, 00001000 - Speed ??too low
, 00010000 - Start delay active
, 00100000 - Water temperature sensor Temperature sensor defective or amplifier
, 01000000 - control panel ( not active)
, 10000000 - intake manifold sufficiently
016.3 , Feedb . Relays, auxiliary heating , see label file
, 00 - relay is not energized
, 01 - Relay contact for small heating
, 10 - Relay contact for large heating capacity
, 11 - Both relay contacts active
016.4 , voltage
017.0 , Readiness Code (EOBD )
017.1 , CARB Mode 01 DATA A, see label file
, X0000000 - No error messages stored in the engine control unit
, 0xxxxxxx - exhaust gas warning lamp (MIL ) OFF
, 1xxxxxxx - exhaust gas warning lamp (MIL ) ON
017.2 , CARB Mode 01 , DATA B, see label file
,- Xx - xx1 - misfire monitoring enabled
,- Xx - x1x - Monitoring Fuel System enabled
,- Xx - 1xx - Monitoring overall system activates
,- X0 - xxx - EOBD test fuel system i.O. completed
,- 0x - xxx - EOBD test overall system i.O. completed
017.3 , CARB Mode 01 , DATA C, see label file
, Xxxx- xx1 - Monitoring catalyst activated
, Xxxx- x1x - Hot activated catalyst monitoring
, Xxxx- 1xx - Evaporative system monitoring enabled
, Xxx - xxx1 - Monitoring refrigerant air conditioning enabled
, Xx1x xxx - Monitoring Oxygen sensor activated
, X1xx -xxx - Monitoring oxygen sensor heater activated
, 1xxx -xxx - monitoring exhaust gas recirculation enabled
017.4 , CARB Mode 01 , DATA D, see label file
, 0 ------ x - EOBD test exhaust gas recirculation with OK completed
018,0 , Throttle Control
018.1 , engine speed
018.2 , control , actuator
018,3 , intake air , temperature
018.4 , air mass, ( IST)
019.0 , radiator fan control
019,1 , Coolant , temperature
019.2 , control fans, air conditioning
019.3 , control , fan 1 ( coolant)
019.4 , control , fan 2 ( coolant)
020.0 , air compressor
020.1 , ambient , temperature
020.3 , 1 power-down , air compressor , see label file
, Xxxxxxx1 - vehicle located in start
, Xxxxxx1x - shutdown due to starting conditions
, Xxxxx1xx - vehicle is in acceleration condition
, XXXX1XXX - shutdown due to acceleration
, XXX1XXXX - shutdown due to startup process
, XX1XXXXX - system error is detected
, X1xxxxxx - shutdown due to system error
, 1xxxxxxx - shutdown due to falling below the idle speed
020.4 , 2 power-down , air compressor , see label file
, Xxxxxxx1 - shutdown due to excessive coolant temperature
, Xxxxxx1x - shutdown by control unit Transmission
, Xxxxx1xx - off by ECU ABS / ESP
, XXXX1XXX - shutdown due to refrigerant pressure or ambient temperature
, XXX1XXXX - Power reduction due to excessive temperature
, XX1XXXXX - shutdown due to an error on a radiator fan
, X1xxxxxx - shutdown due to fault on both cooling fans
, 1xxxxxxx - minimum on
021.0 , status drivetrain CAN data bus
021.2 , controller , Auto Transmission , see label file
, Xxxxxxx1 - Quantity active intervention
, Xxxxxx1x - torque intervention by the gearbox control unit via ramp
, Xxxxx1xx - No torque intervention by Transmission Control Module ( ramp reached)
, XXXX1XXX - torque intervention through transmission control unit on starting characteristic
, XXX1XXXX - CAN error ( module defective , bus off)
, XX1XXXXX - transmission control unit Request bit (engaging moment is valid )
, X1xxxxxx - suppression of monitoring
, 1xxxxxxx - CAN message error ( counting error , error value FF ( hex) or timeout)
021.3 , control unit, ABS / ESP, see label file
, Xxxxxxx1 - TCS ( TCS) - active engagement
, XXX1XXXX - DCS (MSR ) - active engagement
022.0 , rail pressure control
022,1 , Engine Speed, , Specification ( Idle): 720 .. 820 r / min
022.2 , rail pressure , (TARGET ) , Specification ( Idle): 210 .. 290 bar
022.3 , rail pressure , ( IS ) , Specification ( Idle): 210 .. 290 bar | Tolerance: ± 20 bar
022,4 , control , pressure control valve , Specification ( Idle): 15 .. 30 %
023.0 , rail volume control
023,1 , Engine Speed, , Specification ( Idle): 720 .. 820 r / min
023,2 , rail pressure , (TARGET ) , Specification ( Idle): 210 .. 290 bar
023.3 , rail pressure , ( IS ) , Specification ( Idle): 210 .. 290 bar | Tolerance: ± 20 bar
023.4 , control , flow control valve , Specification ( Idle): 35 .. 48%
024.0 , 1 pre-
024.1 , engine speed
024.2 , control start , pre- 1
024.3 , actuation , pilot 1
024.4 , rail pressure ( IST)
025.0 , 2 pre-
025.1 , engine speed
025.2 , control start , pre 2
025.3 , actuation , pilot 2
025.4 , rail pressure ( IST)
026.0 , injection
026.1 , engine speed
026.2 , control start , injection 1
026.3 , actuation , injection 1
026.4 , rail pressure ( IST)
028.0 , record checksum
028,1 , checksum
029.0 , distance control ACC / ADR
029.1 , setpoint , tracking , see label file
, 001 - Setpoint tracking free-running
, 002 - A Point Tracking
, 003 - OFF setpoint tracking
029.2 , ACC / ADR status , adaptive cruise control (see label file)
, XXXXXX00 - ACC / ADR Not active
, Xxxxxx01 - ACC / ADR active
, Xxxxxx10 - ACC / ADR passive
, Xxxxxx11 - ACC / ADR initialization
, XXXXX0XX - No neutral value
, Xxxxx1xx - neutral value
, Xx0xxxxx - Not allowed
, XX1XXXXX - Allows
029.3 , vehicle , speed
030.0 , accelerator pedal position
030.1 , voltage pedal sensor 1
030.2 , voltage pedal sensor 2
030.3 , switch positions , see label file
, Xx1 - idle switch ON
, X1x - kick-down switch ON
Increased idle speed - 1xx ;
030.4 , accelerator pedal position
034.0 , boost control 2
034.1 , engine speed , Specification ( Idle): 720 .. 820 r / min
034.2 , drive , servo motor , Specification ( Idle): 20 .. 80 %
034.3 , feedback , actuator , Specification ( Idle): 19 .. 81 %
034.4 , boost pressure ( IST)
035.0 , turbocharger temperature protection
035.1 , engine speed , Specification ( Idle): 720 .. 820 r / min
035,2 , exhaust gas temperature before turbocharger T3 sensor [ setpoint ( Idle): 140 .. 310 ° C | setpoint ( full load) : 540 .. 830 ° C]
035.3 , exhaust , Abregelfaktor , Specification ( Idle): 99 .. 101%
035.4 , Abregelfaktor , total , Specification ( Idle): 99 .. 101%
036.0 , intake manifold Bank 1
036.1 , engine speed , Specification ( Idle): 720 .. 820 r / min
036.2 , drive , servo motor , Specification ( Idle): 79 .. 81 %
036.3 , feedback , actuator , Specification ( Idle): 79 .. 81 %
036.4 , air mass, ( IST)
037.0 , intake manifold bank 2
037.1 , engine speed , Specification ( Idle): 720 .. 820 r / min
037.2 , drive , servo motor , Specification ( Idle): 79 .. 81 %
037.3 , feedback , actuator , Specification ( Idle): 79 .. 81 %
037.4 , air mass, ( IST)
040.0 , lambda probe readings 1
040.1 , balance value , internal resistance
040.2 , oxygen signal
040.3 , oxygen , concentration
040.4 , status, balance, oxygen signal
041.0 , lambda probe readings 2
041.1 , air mass , throughput
041.2 , duty cycle, heater probe
041.3 , temperature signal
041.4 , lambda signal
042.0 , lambda probe readings 3
042.1 , air mass , throughput
042.2 , ambient , temperature
042.3 , pressure , lambda probe
042.4 , oxygen , concentration
043.0 , lambda probe readings 4
043.1 , engine speed
043.2 , exhaust temperature at lambda probe
043.3 , exhaust, back pressure
043.4 , exhaust, mass flow
044.0 , oxygen sensors status
044.1 , engine speed
044.2 , oxygen sensors , electronics, see label file
, Xxxxxxx1 - Vollastregler on / off
, Xxxxxx1x - full load
, Xxxxx1xx - Deviation negative, i.e. Mixture too rich
, XXXX1XXX - System Error
, XXX1XXXX - oxygen signal invalid or no correction Duch adaptation of the lambda probe
, XX1XXXXX - engine start state
, X1xxxxxx - torque limit or quantity limit active
, 1xxxxxxx - regeneration aftertreatment
044.3 , plausibility , lambda sensor , see label file
, 001 - Current implausibly high oxygen concentration
, 002 - Current implausibly low oxygen concentration
, 004 - oxygen concentration is stationary
, 008 - plausibility is released
, 016 - oxygen concentration is zero
, 032 - the last time interval no fat operation
044.4 , oxygen sensors , diagnostics , see label file
, 004 - dynamics of the signal is too low
, 008 - Cable break (lambda 1)
, 016 - oxygen signal in push implausibly low
, 032 - oxygen signal in push implausibly large
, 064 - oxygen signal at part load implausibly low
, 128 - oxygen signal at part load implausibly large
050.0 , volume averaging adaptation (FMA )
050.1 , engine speed
050.2 , injection volume
050,3 , lot of mistakes in FMA
050,4 , power-down , FMA , see label file
, ------ X1 - reinitialized error model
, ------ 1x - Stop adaptation
051,0 , speed detection
051.1 , engine speed
051.2 , camshafts , speed
051.3 , starting, synchronization, see label file
, 000 - basic initialization
, 001 - Reset the counter
, 002 - engine stall or fault
, 003 - transition states
, 004 - Plausibilisierungsphase
, 005 - Plausibilisierungsphase
, 006 - Plausibilisierungsphase
, 008 - Plausibilisierungsphase
, 016 - phase determination
, 032 - synchronization phase
, 033 - Positioning the system
, 048 - Calculation sequences enabled -> startup OK
, 064 - system waits for motor standstill
, 128 - Dynamic plausibility
051.4 , Shutdown, injection sequence , see label file
, Xxxxxxx1 - Defective external watchdog
, Xxxxxx1x - Invalid speed
, Xxxxxx11 - Caster
, Xxxxx1xx - deactivation request to zeitsyn.Ab .
, Xxxxx1x1 - Solenoid valve fault
, Xxxxx11x - coasting
, XXX1XXXX - below the minimum amount of the post
, XX1XXXXX - Minimal triggering the injection
, X1xxxxxx - Deactivation of the post about speed
, 1xxxxxxx - Deactivation of the post due to error
058.0 , valves, engine mounting
058.1 , engine speed
058.2 , vehicle , speed
058.3 , left valve , engine bearing , range : from 0 /1 = a =
058.4 , right valve , engine bearing , range : from 0 /1 = a =
059.0 , valves, gear storage ( Audi A8 only )
059.1 , engine speed
059.2 , vehicle , speed
059.3 , valve 1 , transmission bearing , range : from 0 /1 = a =
059.4 , valve 2 , gear storage , Range: from 0 /1 = a =
060.0 , moments ancillaries 1
060.1 , engine speed
060.2 , Indexed , engine torque
060.3 , motor, torque loss
060.4 , auxiliary units
061,0 , moments ancillaries 2
061.1 , motor, torque loss
061.2 , interior, friction
061.3 , Air Compressor , moment
061.4 , generator power
070.0 , null sets calibration cycle counter
070.1 , learning cycle counter 1 calibration pressure
070.2 , learning cycle counter , 2 calibration pressure
070.3 , learning cycle counter , 3 calibration pressure
071.0 , null sets calibration status
071.1 , status , approval, control duration
071.2 , cylinder -specific , release, control duration
071.3 , engine control unit replaced,
071.4 , Injektorspezifischer , status, pre- initialized with values
072.0 , zero calibration quantities cyl. 1
072.1 , actuation , calibration 1
072.2 , actuation , calibration 2
072.3 , actuation , calibration 3
073.0 , zero calibration quantities cyl. 2
073.1 , actuation , calibration 1
073.2 , actuation , calibration 2
073.3 , actuation , calibration 3
074.0 , zero calibration quantities cyl. 3
074.1 , actuation , calibration 1
074.2 , actuation , calibration 2
074.3 , actuation , calibration 3
075.0 , zero calibration quantities cyl. 4
075.1 , actuation , calibration 1
075.2 , actuation , calibration 2
075.3 , actuation , calibration 3
076.0 , zero calibration quantities cyl. 5
076.1 , actuation , calibration 1
076.2 , actuation , calibration 2
076.3 , actuation , calibration 3
077.0 , zero calibration quantities cyl. 6
077.1 , actuation , calibration 1
077.2 , actuation , calibration 2
077.3 , actuation , calibration 3
095.0 , 1 starter control
095.1 , terminal 50 , Range: 0 = inactive / 1 = active
095.2 , P / N , signal , signal from the selector switch ( vehicles with automatic transmission)
095.2 , interlock signal , signal from the clutch pedal switch for engine start (cars with manual transmission)
095.3 , 1 relay , for starters, Range: 0 = Off / 1 = On
095.4 , Relay 2, for starters, Range: 0 = Off / 1 = On
096.0 , starter control 2
096.1 , terminal 50 , feedback , range of values ??: 0 = inactive / 1 = active
096.3 , shutdown , conditions, see label file
, Xxxxxxx1 - reaches start dropping speed
, Xxxxxx1x - speed threshold
, Xxxxx1xx - Maximum start time gl?habh?ngig
, XXXX1XXX - Maximum start time
, XXX1XXXX - Terminal 15
, XX1XXXXX - lock terminal 15
, X1xxxxxx - Terminal 50 and 50 return
, 1xxxxxxx - Einspurfehlererkennung
096.4 , voltage
100.0 , service regeneration (particle filter )
100,1 , Engine Speed, , Specification ( with service recovery ) : 1500 r / min
100.2 , exhaust gas temperature before particulate filter , setpoint ( active regeneration ) : greater 550 ° C | Maximum value: 820 ° C | Cancel: 720 ° C is exceeded for more than 12 sec
100.3 , Current , regeneration time , value range: 0 .. 255 | Total time: 10 to 40 minutes
100.4 , demolition , recognized values: 0 = not aborted / 1 = aborted
101.0 , regeneration status service (particle filter )
101.1 , release , conditions 1, see label file
, Xxxxxxx1 - Engine condition normal
, Xxxxxx1x - engine temperature within the permissible range
, Xxxxx1xx - oil temperature within the permissible range
, XXXX1XXX - ambient air pressure high enough
, XXX1XXXX - fuel temperature cool enough
, XX1XXXXX - Battery voltage is sufficient
, X1xxxxxx - entered no clutch
, 1xxxxxxx - no gear
101.2 , release , conditions 2, see label file
, Xxxxxxx1 - speed = 0
, Xxxxxx1x - engine speed in
, Xxxxx1xx - injection quantity within the permissible range
, XXXX1XXX - less accelerator pedal threshold
, XXX1XXXX - particle temperature in the permissible range
, XX1XXXXX - pre-catalyst in the permitted range
, X1xxxxxx - soot mass in the particulate filter in the permitted range
Delete fault memory engine control unit - 1xxxxxxx ;
101.3 , demolition , conditions, see label file
, Xxxx1 - After monitoring time temperatures are not reached
Temperature exceeded for particulate filters - xxx1x ;
Exceeded temperature for pre-catalyst - xx1xx ;
, X1xxx - Demolition on release conditions
, 1xxxx - Demolition by total regeneration time
101.4 , regeneration , phase, 000 - start or not activated \ n001 - firing up \ n010 - Regeneration active \ n100 - cooling
102.0 , encoder values ??aftertreatment (particle filter )
. 102.1 , exhaust gas temperature , after Vorkatalys , Specification ( Idle): 90 .. 270 ° C | setpoint ( full load) : 490 .. 830 ° C
102.2 , exhaust gas temperature before particulate filter , Specification ( Idle): 70 .. 250 ° C | setpoint ( full load) : 490 .. 830 ° C
102.3 , differential pressure , particle filter, Specification: 0 .. 950 mbar
102.4 , offset , differential pressure
103.0 , regeneration status field (particle filter )
103.1 , regeneration , mode (status) , values: 0 .. 18
103.2 , regeneration , requirement , see label file
, Xxx1 - counter request is active
, Xx1x - request by Fuel
, X1xx - requested by operating time
, 1xxx - request by distance traveled
103.4 , regeneration , disable , value range: x1 - Regeneration locked / 1x - Maximum recovery time expired
104.0 , particle filter
104.1 , oil ash volume
104.2 , soot loading , mass value , calculated
104.3 , soot loading , mass value , measured
104.4 , range since last , regeneration
110.0 , State Rail Pressure Control
110,1 , Engine Speed
110.2 , fuel , temperature
110.3 , State rail , pressure control , see label file
, 0 - ignition on , duty
, 4 - control valve via pressure control valve (normal operation mode)
, 5 - Modulating operation via the metering unit (normal operating mode)
, 7 - mode ( engine off )
125,0 , CAN bus communication (drive)
125.1 , Auto Transmission , value range: 0 = not active / 1 = aktiv/--- = not available
125.2 , ABS / ESP , Range: 0 = inactive / 1 = aktiv/--- = not available
125.3 , instrument cluster , Range: 0 = not active / 1 = aktiv/--- = not available
125.4 , Air , Range: 0 = inactive / 1 = aktiv/--- = not available
126,0 , CAN bus communication (drive)
126.1 , ACC / ADR , Range: 0 = not active / 1 = aktiv/--- = not available
126.3 , airbag , Range: 0 = inactive / 1 = aktiv/--- = not available
127,0 , CAN bus communication (drive)
127.3 , steering column module , range of values ??: 0 = not active / 1 = aktiv/--- = not available
128,0 , CAN bus communication (drive)
128.1 , Electronic , Ignition , Range: 0 = inactive / 1 = aktiv/--- = not available
129,0 , CAN bus communication (drive)
129.1 , Batterie-/Energie- , management, range of values: 0 = not active / 1 = aktiv/--- = not available
129.2 , Gateway ( J533 ) , Range: 0 = inactive / 1 = aktiv/--- = not available
, ------------------------------------------------- -
the codification
, ------------------------------------------------- -
C00 Motor Electronics ( J248 ) Coding
C01 , on request .
, ------------------------------------------------- -
, Coding II
, ------------------------------------------------- -
L00 , Motor Electronics ( J623 ) Coding II
L01 = 11463 activation Cruise control system (CCS )
L02 , 16167 = disable cruise control system (CCS )
L03 , start = 10016 Notre particle generation
, ------------------------------------------------- -
, Selective actuator diagnosis
, ------------------------------------------------- -
T5649 , for self-diagnosis fault warning lamp ( K83 )
T12288 , pre-glow indicator light ( K29 )
T137 , fuel metering valve ( N290 )
T560 , fuel pump relay ( J17 )
T1027 , exhaust gas recirculation valve (N18 )
, T1281 ,
, T1282 ,
, T1283 ,
, T1284 ,
, T1285 ,
, T1286 ,
, T1287 ,
, T1288 ,
, T1289 ,
, T1290 ,
, T1291 ,
, T1292 ,
, T1293 ,
, T1294 ,
T1682 , radiator fan control 1
T1684 , radiator fan control 2
T4116 , valve bypass valve for air filter ( N275 )
T5269 , EGR cooler change ( N345 )
T5489 , Valve left for engine mounting ( N144 )
T5493 , right valve for engine mounting ( N145 )
T5510 , valves for engine mounting ( N144 ) / ( N145 )
T6248 , Valve left for gear storage ( N262 )
T6257 , right valve for gear storage ( N263 )
T8200 , intake manifold for air flow control
T8209 , 2 intake manifold for air flow control
T8852 , fuel pressure control valve ( N276 )
T12291 , low heat output relay ( J359 )
T12293 , high heating output relay ( J360 )
T12867 , control throttle valve control unit
T13107 , 1 controller for turbocharger
T13112 , glow time control 1
, ------------------------------------------------- -
, adaptation
, ------------------------------------------------- -
A007 , 0, maximum speed limit
A007 , 1, speed (actual value)
A007 , 2 speed ( limit)
A007 , 5, maximum speed limit
A007 , 6, Disability value of speed limit can be only once and
A007 , 7 change just down . Then he can NOT change more up!
A007 , 8,
A007 , 9, use this channel adjustment only if you are REALLY sure !
( Learn vehicle data) A050 , 0, Immobilizer
A050 , 1 , status
( Learn vehicle data) A050 , 5, Immobilizer
A050 , 6, Enter the WFS Members of the instrument cluster ( AGE Login WFS ) .
A050 , 7, then the learning process is initiated and the new engine control unit
A050 , 8, takes Vehicle Identification Number (VIN ) and immobilizer
A050 , 9 , identification ( ID WFS ) of the vehicle ( on the instrument cluster ) .
A050 , 10, after adjustment Turn the ignition OFF for 2 minutes .
A071 , 0, IMA - ISA balance - Cylinder 1
A071 , 5, IMA - ISA balance - Cylinder 1
A071 , 6, The injector quantity adjustment ( IMA) and injector voltage adjustment ( ISA )
A071 , 7, allows the injection quantity individually for each cylinder,
A071 , 8 to correct the entire map region .
A071 , 9, The 7- digit adjustment values ??individually for each injector
A071 , 10 , is printed . The values ??can be numbers and letters .
A071 , 11, Except: j / y and q / Q and 0 (zero ) to 9 ( Nine )
A072 , 0, IMA - ISA balance - Cylinder 2
A072 , 5, IMA - ISA balance - Cylinder 2
A072 , 6, The injector quantity adjustment ( IMA) and injector voltage adjustment ( ISA )
A072 , 7, allows the injection quantity individually for each cylinder,
A072 , 8 to correct the entire map region .
A072 , 9, The 7- digit adjustment values ??individually for each injector
A072 , 10 , is printed . The values ??can be numbers and letters .
A072 , 11, Except: j / y and q / Q and 0 (zero ) to 9 ( Nine )
A073 , 0, IMA - ISA balance - cylinder 3
A073 , 5, IMA - ISA balance - cylinder 3
A073 , 6, The injector quantity adjustment ( IMA) and injector voltage adjustment ( ISA )
A073 , 7, allows the injection quantity individually for each cylinder,
A073 , 8 to correct the entire map region .
A073 , 9, The 7- digit adjustment values ??individually for each injector
A073 , 10 , is printed . The values ??can be numbers and letters .
A073 , 11, Except: j / y and q / Q and 0 (zero ) to 9 ( Nine )
A074 , 0, IMA - ISA balance - cylinder 4
A074 , 5, IMA - ISA balance - cylinder 4
A074 , 6, The injector quantity adjustment ( IMA) and injector voltage adjustment ( ISA )
A074 , 7, allows the injection quantity individually for each cylinder,
A074 , 8 to correct the entire map region .
A074 , 9, The 7- digit adjustment values ??individually for each injector
A074 , 10 , is printed . The values ??can be numbers and letters .
A074 , 11, Except: j / y and q / Q and 0 (zero ) to 9 ( Nine )
A075 , 0, IMA - ISA balance - cylinder 5
A075 , 5, IMA - ISA balance - cylinder 5
A075 , 6, The injector quantity adjustment ( IMA) and injector voltage adjustment ( ISA )
A075 , 7, allows the injection quantity individually for each cylinder,
A075 , 8 to correct the entire map region .
A075 , 9, The 7- digit adjustment values ??individually for each injector
A075 , 10 , is printed . The values ??can be numbers and letters .
A075 , 11, Except: j / y and q / Q and 0 (zero ) to 9 ( Nine )
A076 , 0, IMA - ISA balance - Cylinder 6
A076 , 5, IMA - ISA balance - Cylinder 6
A076 , 6, The injector quantity adjustment ( IMA) and injector voltage adjustment ( ISA )
A076 , 7, allows the injection quantity individually for each cylinder,
A076 , 8 to correct the entire map region .
A076 , 9, The 7- digit adjustment values ??individually for each injector
A076 , 10 , is printed . The values ??can be numbers and letters .
A076 , 11, Except: j / y and q / Q and 0 (zero ) to 9 ( Nine )
A081 , 0, adapted particle filter
A081 , 5, adjust particle
A081 , 6, After replacing the diesel particulate filter must reset the learned values
A081 , 7, . To initiate this store '0001 ' as the new value . the new
A081 , 8, value is not stored permanently in the controller but only serves
A081 , 9 to initiate the deletion of the learning values ??.
A082 0 , adjust engine control unit
A082 5, adjust engine control unit
A082 , 6, When replacing the engine control unit , the mileage of the particle must
A082 , 7 , transferred to the new engine control unit. This should help you
A082 , 8, need , please contact your sales representative or contact
A082 , 9, us directly via Deutsch@Ross-Tech.com
A083 , 0, adjust the differential pressure sensor
A083 , 5, adjust the differential pressure sensor
A083 , 6, After replacing the differential pressure sensor reset the learned values ??must
A083 , 7, . To initiate this store '0001 ' as the new value . the new
A083 , 8, value is not stored permanently in the controller but only serves
A083 , 9, initiate adjustment of the differential pressure sensor.
A091 , 0, immobilizer status
A091 , 5, immobilizer status
Not adapted A091 , 6,0 = Immobilizer (NEW)
A091 , 7,1 = Immobilizer off / disabled
A091 , 8,4 = Immobilizer adapted ( system i.O. )


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